
‘Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it.’ (Gabriel Garcia Márquez, 2004)

Having started my professional life as a theatre director, then working in film, my approach to photography draws from both. Using mixed-media and installation my aim is to recount not the life I have lived, but that which I remember.

Baudrillard talks of the violence of the image, the violence of the constant exposure to images and the neutralizing effect this has upon us, through a form of consensus and deregulation, a “transparency” that has made the real disappear through total visibility. All of human life is self-willingly exposed and made available, to the point that we have achieved perfect self-alienation. He asks if images resistant to this violence still exist: “This, for me, is the crucial issue in photography today. The idea is to resist the noise, the endless murmuring of the world by mobilizing photography’s silence; to resist movement, flow, and speed by using its stillness; to resist the explosion of information by brandishing its secrecy; and to resist the moral imperative of meaning by silencing its signification” (Baudrillard, 2008)